Bridal Showers

If your fiancee’s Las-Vegas style bachelor party gives you the heebie jeebies, here’s something to put you more at ease:

Bachelorettes of Paris are so much fun, plus can be as racy and gratifying as you can handle (just don’t ask us to lie for you, please!), so you probably won’t care anymore if what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  We’ll always have Paris… Plus…your next trip might be with your someone special, so you can spread the wealth… We think its high time women got to have as “meaningful” an adventure as men do…doing things that women like to do. Who started the Bachelor Party thing, anyway?  We may be singlehandedly to blame for flipping the bridal shower on its ear, too….since we’ve had to settle a few nervous Grooms – putting the foot on the other hand, so to speak.

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